We all love ET, don’t we? No I don’t mean Entertainment Tonight, I mean The Extra Terrestrial, Speilberg’s ultra successful film about a young boy who befriends an alien that looks more like a turd with eyes than anything else. The film was so big it had all sorts of merchandising, from appearing in cartoons to dolls to even having an infamous Atari game that caused the video game crash of 1983. Oddly enough, it did not get the porno treatment until 1995, when the Entinger brothers from Germany decided to hit the jackpot and make an ET porno.

You’d think it was a match made in heaven! I mean, why hasn’t anybody done this before? The story is simple: a Venusian (so that’s where ET comes from!) is sent by her home planet to come to Earth and learn about the customs of the planet. She seems to land in the early stages of the 20th century, since a lot of the clothing in the film is of that era, and begins to learn, principally about sex. First she sees a couple doing it, then she seduces a woman, then a man joins in and soon we see a foursome between two men, a woman and the ET. That’s it, that’s the plot, and it goes on for almost eighty-something minutes. The sex is pretty basic, starting with oral then straight, then anal then the glorious money shot, sometimes in slow-motion like in Behind The Green Door. However, what makes the sex more terrifying and horrific is the fact that ET is behind it. There is just something very disturbing and unsexy about seeing our alien taking it up the vagina.

Even so, this movie is made entertaining by the fact that it IS ET taking it up the vagina. Silvia Squire plays the alien, and all we can see that belong to her is the lips, the nips and her vagina, other than that she is covered in a very uncomfortable-looking costume that I believe is mostly latex. The film is hilariously cheap, with bad lighting prevailing every exterior scene and fog machine noise heard as well. But still, these all add to a very entertaining experience. It’s an acquired taste, for sure, but it’s still something that must be seen at least once to be believed.
Where do you get this movies from? all of them are so weird!!!ET porn? really?
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